Your Heart Matters

Your Heart Matters

Carity combines digital and personal care to enhance your cardiac rehabilitation, empowering you to lead a healthier, more active life.

“After myocardial infraction, it is an emotional up and down. I do not know anymore what I can physically do and what my heart is able to endure.”

Peter, 63 year old, myocardial infraction in June 2019

Blended Care With Digital Support

To build back the trust in your body and maintain motivation

Monitoring With Goals, Reports, And History

To tailor standard programs to your needs

Post-Rehab Support Including Health Coach

To support you after rehabilitation period ends

Empower your heart health journey

Carity integrates digital innovation with personalized care right from the start of your cardiac rehabilitation. By fostering confidence, sustained motivation, and adherence to your rehabilitation program, we help you take charge of your heart health. Our comprehensive approach includes monitoring your heart fitness goals, emotional well-being, and training performance, paired with access to personal health coaching. With Carity, you’re equipped to lead an active and self-directed life long after your rehabilitation ends.

What is Carity?

Carity is a digital health service that enhances your cardiac rehabilitation. Using a mobile app and data from your wearable device (today only Apple Watch), it supports your standard rehabilitation and offers additional services such as health coaching once your initial program is complete.

Is Carity for me?

If you have experienced a cardiac event such as a heart attack or heart failure, and are starting or scheduled for outpatient cardiac rehabilitation, Carity could be for you. It’s ideal if you can manage an app and a wearable device, and your health condition allows for regular exercise. Your healthcare provider will recommend and help you get started with Carity at the beginning of your rehabilitation.

“Carity has become part of the whole rehabilitation process. It gave me stability and motivated me to still do something during the week. It becomes part of your whole daily routine (...) being able to constantly see what your heartrate looks like gave me confidence where I would otherwise have been more in the dark.”

“Christoph, 61”

“If I had the app from the start of rehab, it probably would have made rehab more beneficial. Knowing that someone is monitoring the data almost made it better; otherwise, I was always traveling an hour for a two-hour training session that I could do at home.”

“Ernst, 63”

“Carity has especially motivated me to continue hiking and being active after the rehabilitation.”

“Bruno, 79”

“Carity drives you to be physically active and to adhere to guidelines. If I don't have to, then I don't do anything. It scratched my ego and ambition.”

“Karl-Heinz, 74”

“Carity especially motivated me to follow what I was doing more closely... and to find out what my body was saying about it. Different and better than common fitness apps.”

“Roland, 68”